UK region ASTEROID OCCULTATION REPORTS for 2020  Source: PLANOCCULT mailing list and
Please report (Negative and Positive)  in the first instance to:   PLANOCCULT LIST SERVER ,  Frappa at EURASTER.NET Call-For-Obs
Raoul Behrend light curves
5 s Positive with duration Web pages and links: Tim Haymes RASNZ Using a 50mm lens
MISS indicates a +ve elsewhere John Talbot IOTA NA an observing guide
  D-R under 0.5s Switzerland  (SOTAS) Johnson Archive ALCDEF lightcurves
name double +ve EURASTER Archive IOTA-ES Gaia-GOSA
Date mid-Time  D-R under 0.5s
MMM dd    UT Number  Minor Planet Star ID Observers Reported Notes
Jan 07 0331 456 Abnoba TYC 4866-02026-1 P Tickner (Reading) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Transatlantic Miss
A Jones (Maidenhead) Negative
Jan 12 2012 11070 1992 EV9 UCAC4 560-026836 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jan 15 1838 8726 Masamotonasu TYC  766-00293-1 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
P Tickner (Reading) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jan 15 2159 9853 1991 AN2 UCAC4 477-02396 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative Month MPs +ve Chords Negatives All  Obs
Jan 15 2318 1962 Dunant UCAC4 579_026958 P Birtwhistle (Gr Shefford) Negative Jan 0 0 18 18
Jan 18 1911 29956 1999 JF91 TYC  753-01663-1 P Birtwhistle (Gr Shefford) Negative Feb 3 10 17 27
Jan 18 1914 63495 2001 OH64 UCAC4 543-021362 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative Mar 3 3 43 46
Jan 18 2218 14251 2000 AX63 UCAC4 608-019649 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative Apr 4 8 50 58
Jan 20 1836 8586 Epops UCAC4 552_039404 D Ward (Swindon) Negative May 7 7 44 51
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative Jun 1 2 23 25
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative Jul 4 5 16 21
Jan 20 1839 166871 2002 XG48 TYC 1289-00709-1 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative Aug 0 0 7 7
Jan 28 1830 58042 2002 VV127 UCAC4 612-020386 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative Sept 3 3 23 26
Feb 01 1834 961 Gunnie UCAC4 643-040418 M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative Oct 4 4 36 40
Feb 01 1941 3406 Omsk UCAC4 540-036061 M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative Nov 7 9 26 35
Feb 02 2142 55312 2001 SK60 UCAC4 553-039866 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative Dec 3 6 22 28
Feb 03 2104 955 Alstede UCAC4 596-045657 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative Totals 39 57 325 382
Feb 05 0253 23 Thalia UCAC4 427-058637 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
P Tickner (Reading) Negative
M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative Observers
Feb 10 2158 87 Sylvia UCAC4 610-041692 P Birtwhistle (Gr Shefford) 22.8 Euraster chords Birtwhistle
P Tickner (Reading) 22.2 Briggs
A Jones (Maidenhead) 24.9 Broom-Lynne
J Talbot (Abingdon) 26.7  Wind effected Busczynski
P Denyer (Hornchurch) 25.1 Collins
S Kidd (Stevenage) 29.5 Denyer
M Jennings (Sanderstead) 19.3 Ewen
Feb 11 1935 2881 Meiden UCAC4 533-029890 M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative Haymes
Feb 11 2202 4 Vesta HIP 13339 Neal Weston (Aberdeen AS) 29.8 CCD/FITS seq Jennings
Feb 17 2218 78730 2002 TV238 HIP 24376 D Robson Negative Drift Scan 0.3s time resolution Jones
M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative Kidd
P Denyer (Hornchurch) Negative Miles
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative O'Connell
Feb 18 0325 261 Prymno UCAC4 381-069652 P Birtwhistle (Gr Shefford) Negative Pratt
Feb 19 0139 83 Beatrix TYC 1945-00656-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS Robson
P Denyer (Hornchurch) MISS Stewart
S Kidd (Stevenage) 8.1 Euraster chords Talbot
Gordon Ewen 9.2 Tickner
Feb 26 0553 1036 Ganymed HIP 101022 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative in path Ward
Mar 01 0044 3177 Chillicothe UCAC4 565-048488 P Birtwhistle (Gr Shefford) Negative Weston
A Jones (Maidenhead) Negative
Mar 03 0037 2305 King TYC  279-00496-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Mar 03 2118 67030 1999 XJ166 TYC 4888_00829_1 P Denyer (Hornchurch) Negative
Mar 03 2150 131382 2001 KY39 UCAC4 393_051282 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative MPC Z92
Mar 07 0032 33181 Aalokpatwa UCAC4 548-047842 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Mar 11 2134 412 Elisabetha UCAC4 583-030247 S Kidd (Stevenage) 11.3
Mar 12 2155 996 Hilaritas UCAC4 568-015132 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative  One frame Pos. - uncertain
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Mar 20 2053 10241 Milicevic UCAC4 561-034327 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Mar 21 0325 490 Veritas UCAC4 382-128164 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Mar 22 2123 332 Siri UCAC4 570-011044 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative South Shift…?
P Birtwhistle (Gr Shefford) Negative
Mar 22 2110 1074 Beljawskja UCAC4 572-022190 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative It passed somwhere>
Mar 22 2029 14451 1992 WR5 TYC 1306-01024-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Mar 23 1943 486 Cremona UCAC4 566-012493 D Ward (Swindon) MISS Path moved South 
P Birtwhistle (Gr Shefford) MISS Euraster chords
P Tickner (Reading) MISS
P Denyer (Hornchurch) MISS
J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
Mar 23 1957 33751 1999 RR21 UCAC4 524-050661 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Mar 23 2017 8282 Delp UCAC4 566-027332 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Mar 23 2031 17276 2000 LU22 UCAC4 402-050896 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Mar 24 0435 1021 Flammario TYC 0337-00084-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Mar 24 2055 68517 2001 UC214 UCAC4 597-033955 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Mar 24 2352 90304 2003 EM53 TYC 0760_00238_1 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Mar 25 2042 486 Cremona UCAC4 567-012943 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative
Mar 25 2104 89887 2002 CD238 UCAC4 555_040806 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Mar 25 2211 7835 Myroncope UCAC4 511_011466 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Mar 26 0003 99306 2001 SC101 TYC  289-00342-1 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative Jupiter Trojan
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative
L Broom-Lynne (Norwich) Negative K05
Mar 26 2254 7999 Nesvorny TYC 1325-01035-1 A Pratt (Leeds) MISS
S Kidd (Stevenage) MISS
P Denyer (Hornchurch) 1.3 s Single chord
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
Mar 27 0330 585 Bilkis  UCAC4 397-057572 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
dM 0.2
Mar 27 2133 28456 2000 AY137 UCAC4 573-045880 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Mar 27 2243 963 Iduberga TYC 2436-00063-1 J Talbot (Abingdon) 0.52  s Max Durn ?
Apr 02 2200 1170 Siva UCAC4 632-043372 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 05 0026 237710 2001 UW184 UCAC4 455-054826 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Apr 05 0050 33305 1998 KQ50 UCAC4 471-045289 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Apr 05 2334 1719 Jens HIP 62183 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Apr 09 0457 2363 Cebriones UCAC4 441-066481 P Tickner (Reading) Negative Lucky-Star Trojan
Apr 09 2207 51298 2000 KY51 UCAC4 581-015299 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 09 2238 138828 2000 UD52 HIP 54435 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 10 2053 17625 Joseflada UCAC4 554-048203 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 10 2152 29725 Mikewest UCAC4 543-048127 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 11 0048 (4746) Doi TYC 1393-00727-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Apr 11 2212 (115766) 2003 UG207 UCAC4 408-054127 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Apr 12 0229 (22770) 1999 BR14 HIP 61369 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative #14 stations across EU, no +ve
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 14 0028 (209357) 2004 DQ42 HIP 44866 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
P Tickner (Reading) Negative
Apr 14 0137 (76777) 2000 KR59 UCAC4 512-051634 P Tickner (Reading) Negative
Apr 14 2146 (1124) Stroobantia UCAC4 602-023907 P Denyer (Hornchurch) 0.40  s
A Pratt (Leeds) MISS At centre
Apr 14 2155 (3066) McFadden UCAC4 494-053698 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative Inside shadow
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 16 2232 (6723) Chrisclark TYC 4950-00267-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) 1.3  s ?  Euraster chords
J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
Apr 18 2154 (1445) Konkolya UCAC4 571_025824 P Denyer (Hornchurch) Negative
Apr 19 2236 (118) Peitho UCAC4 599-042022 J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS Asteroid visable dM 2.8
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS Euraster chords
P Denyer (Hornchurch) 2.0 s
D Robson 2.3 s
S Kidd (Stevenage) 2.2 s
A Pratt (Leeds) MISS
M Jennings (Sanderstead) MISS
Apr 20 0058 (4522) Britastra UCAC4 528_053861 A Pratt (Leeds) MISS
Apr 20 2300 (32259) 2000 OT53 UCAC4 458-046001 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 21 2100 (7458) 11984 DE1 UCAC4 571-028981  A Pratt (Leeds) 0.80 s
Apr 21 2125 (4803) Birkle UCAC4 579-029513 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 21 2135 n/a 2018 VM35 HIP 29042 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative LinOccult Feed
Apr 22 2335 (57847) 2001 XP80 TYC 1441-00338-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
P Tickner (Reading) MISS
Apr 23 2247 (3109) Machin UCAC4 548-048339 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative 150ms C11
P Tickner (Reading) Negative
P Denyer (Hornchurch) Negative 320ms C9.25
Apr 25 0042 (16356) Univbalttech TYC 1397-00267-1 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Apr 25 2036 (12754) 1993 LF2 HIP 59014 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
D Ward (Swindon) Negative
P Denyer (Hornchurch) Negative
Apr 25 2048 (140977) 2011KT19 UCAC4 496-064872 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative Lucky-Star TNO
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative Euraster chords
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
P Tickner (Reading) Negative
Apr 26 0209 (59) Elpis UCAC4 391-078485 J Talbot (Abingdon) 29.4  s Mag drop 0.2
P Tickner (Reading) 28.0  s Euraster chords
S Kidd (Stevenage) MISS
Apr 26 2038 (46451) 3050 P-L UCAC4 549-043677 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 01 2207 (15751) 1991 VN4 UCAC4 485-055369 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 07 0206 (444) Gyptis UCAC4 412-123415 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative from 2-sigma
May 08 2132 (7505) Furusho UCAC4 428-058727 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative from 2-sigma
May 08 2223 (51347) 2000 QZ165 UCAC4 357-069755 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 09 2206 (921) Jovita UCAC4 416-061614 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
May 11 2113 (32215) 2000 OG16 UCAC4 525-051606 A Pratt (Leeds) 0.42 s
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
May 11 2122 (786) Bredichina UCAC4 588-031624 A Pratt (Leeds) 2.7 s Euraster chords
J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
S Kidd (Stevenage) MISS
May 12 0055 (33777) 1999 RM158 UCAC4 344-079214 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 12 0147 (25790) 2000 CW57 UCAC4 402-116232 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
May 13 2329 (106093) 2000 SD366 UCAC4 407-069954 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
May 14 0111 (1304) Arosa UCAC4 358-122528 P Tickner (Reading) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 14 0119 (174552) 2003 FP83 UCAC4 341-076933 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 14 2234 (11886) Kraske UCAC4 504-051607 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
May 14 2316 (11063) Poynting TYC 0875_00742_1 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
May 15 0025 (2741) Valdivia UCAC4 413-091943 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
P Tickner (Reading) 3.3 s UKOCCL feed
May 15 2154 (174029) 2001 YF154 UCAC4 523_056926 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
May 15 2320 (20925) 9596 P-L UCAC4 396-079712 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 16 0008 (150277) 1999 TJ45 UCAC4 349-115894 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 16 0033 (141286) 2001 YF67 UCAC4 431-057417 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 20 0209 (88117) 2000 WV132 TYC 5157-00810-1 S Kidd (Stevenage) 0.39  s UKOCCL feed
May 20 2100 (1249) Rutherfordia UCAC4 391-057938 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
D Ward (Swindon) MISS
May 24 2105 (601) Nerthus TYC  786-00392-1 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 26 2226 (20635) 1999 TV96 UCAC4 497-061514 J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
P Denyer (Hornchurch) MISS Euraster chords
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
S Kidd (Stevenage) MISS
D Ward (Swindon) MISS
May 26 2325 (796) Sarita UCAC4 325-074061 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 27 2209 (33771) 1999 RJ142 UCAC4 437-056510 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
May 28 2229 (19795) 2000 RJ50 TYC 5041-00348-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
W Stewart (Ravensmoor) Negative
May 28 2243 (1560) Strattonia UCAC4 309-095232 S Kidd (Stevenage) 2.5 s
Euraster chords
May 28 2247 (1880) McCrosky UCAC4 358-110170 S Kidd (Stevenage) 1.0 s Euraster chords
May 30 2134 (37152) 2000 VV56 HIP 72353 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
May 30 2305 (37286) 2000 YL101 UCAC4 430-068563 J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
W Stewart (Ravensmoor) 0.6 s
May 31 0101 (1353) Maartje UCAC4 390-088039 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS Euraster chords
J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
W Stewart (Ravensmoor) MISS
Jun 01 2316 (73461) 1977 UK3 UCAC4 361-069647 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jun 06 0241 (1031) Arctica UCAC4 444-093045 P Tickner (Reading) Negative
Jun 14 2247 (18827) 1999 NA26 UCAC4 378-093722 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Jun 15 0207 (57108) 2001 OS74 UCAC4 354-177363 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jun 16 2342 (35342) 1997 GZ24 UCAC4 445_067499 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jun 21 2256 (4071) Rostovdon UCAC4 341-130210 P Tickner (Reading) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
2339 (2163) Korczak UCAC4 343-099118 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jun 22 0023 (2163) Korczak UCAC4 343-099104 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
0208 Europa UCAC4 343-195279 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) result awaited  Lucky-star
S Kidd (Stevenage) result awaited  Lucky-star
2153 (23397) 5122 T-3 UCAC4 368-087100 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jun 23 2243 (29966) 1999 JW103 UCAC4 408-099600 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Jun24 0010 (14991) 1997 UV14 UCAC4 392-078561 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Jun 24 0041 (229) Adelinda UCAC4 322-106360 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative no occ >800ms
2250 (5247) Krylov UCAC4 432-056375 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
2335 (121) Hermione UCAC4 312-236048 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) 7.5 s Euraster chords
S Kidd (Stevenage) 9.2 s dM 0.3, Alt 8 deg
Jun 25 2309 (185) Eunike UCAC4 480-091575 S Kidd (Stevenage) MISS
Jun 28 2349 (46045) 2001 DU68 UCAC4 392-116738 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jul 02 0225 (2604) Marshak UCAC4 398-089294 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jul 02 2222 (187469) 2006 BL53 UCAC4 465-053534 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Jul 12 0044 (6278) Ametkhan UCAC4 339-192377 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jul 12 0140 (5866) Sachsen UCAC4 360-187919 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jul 17 2339 (11683) 1998 FO11 UCAC4 435-085459 S Kidd (Stevenage) 1.0 s IBEROC 8%, m14.5
Jul 17 2346 (5337) Aoki UCAC4 366-119622 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jul 21 0056 (762) Pulcova UCAC4 559-002594 P Tickner (Reading) 9.4 s Euraster chords
S Kidd (Stevenage) 9.2 s  
Jul 27 2354 (37704) 1996 EK9 TYC 6325-01697-1 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Jul 28 0006 (4209) Briggs UCAC4 571-002733 D Briggs (Clanfield) 1.5 s Report awaited.
J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
Jul 28 2157 (12580) Antonini UCAC4 316-216136 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Jul 28 2214 (4461) Sayama UCAC4 377-159579 P Tickner (Reading) 1.1 s
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
S Kidd (Stevenage) MISS
Jul 31 0253 (2365) Interkosmos HIP 10732 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
M Collins (Bedford) Negative
P Tickner (Reading) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
L Broom-Lynne (Norwich) Negative
Aug 03 2147 (5458) Nouda UCAC4 464-087349 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Aug 03 2156 (1584) Fuji UCAC4 416-147167 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Aug 10 0028 2003 QX111 HIP 6509 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative TNO/Plutino
Aug 17 2131 (94132) 2000 YO115 TYC 6893-01286-1 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Aug 20 2224 (13244) Dannymeyer UCAC4 508-147497 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Aug 21 0203 (5322) 1986 QB1 TYC 5257-00240-1 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Aug 21 2143 (789) Lena UCAC4 469-130307 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Sep 04 0034 (1158) Luda UCAC4 636-019931 S Kidd (Stevenage) 1.1  s
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
Sep 04 2227 (114) Kassandra UCAC4 394_126164 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Sep 05 2004 (30078) 2000 EB104 UCAC4 433_080644 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Sep 05 2127 (249680) 1999VH227 TYC 3233-01968-1 M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative
P Denyer (Hornchurch) Negative
D Ward (Swindon) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Sep 05 2124 (23617) Duna UCAC4 446-096661 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Sep 06 0156 (533) Sara UCAC4 538-020955 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Sep 10 2242 (123993) 2001 FK64 UCAC4 439_001964 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Sep 10 2300 (3356) Gerla UCAC4 667_042864 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Sep11 1942 (18682) 1998 FH107 UCAC4 422_129681 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Sep13 2253 (71711) 2000 GU83 TYC 55-01208-1 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Sep 14 0416 (1654) Bojeva HIP 5315 M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative Transatlantic Miss
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
J-M Winkel (NL) Negative
Sep 18 0430 (283) Emma #1 UCAC4 606-017537 S Kidd (Stevenage) 8.1 s UKOCL feed
Sep 25 2222 (36879) 2000 SM154 UCAC4 409-136272 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Sep 26 0001 (45170) 2000 SD366 UCAC4 587-004980 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Sep 27 2221 (110989) 2001 US197 UCAC4 466-126158 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) 0.75 s IBEROC feed
A Pratt (Leeds) MISS
Sep 28 0040 (665) Sabine UCAC4 432-112627 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Sep 28 0253 (705) Erminia UCAC4 585-004162 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
. J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Sep 30 2345 (26570) 2000 EU77 UCAC4 459-002549 P Tickner (Reading) Negative
Oct 07 0212 (1889) Pakhmutova UCAC4 398-000855 P Tickner (Reading) 2.9 s UKOCL feed
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS
Oct 07 0227 (7611) Hashitatsu UCAC4 546-032780 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Oct 07 0345 (5550) 1981 UB1 UCAC4 538-048015 S Kidd (Stevenage) 0.33 s UKOCL feed
Oct 08 1907 (999) Zachia UCAC4 405_121904 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 09  0440 (657) Gunlod UCAC4 572-002643 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative pos. satellite not seen
Oct 09  2029 (75757) 2000 AG166 TYC 1675_01916_1 M Oconnell (Dublin) 1.6 s MPC I87
Oct 09  2045 (47735) 2000 DS60 UCAC4 525-000936 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
M Jennings (Sanderstead) Negative
Oct 09  2205 (43139) 1999 XM90 UCAC4 396-123708 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Oct 15 1924 (141729) 2002 LN23 UCAC4 665_111911 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Oct 23 1901 (10266) Seishika UCAC4 529-001730 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 23 2000 (4553) Doncampbell UCAC4 389-136500 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 23 2219 (143707) 2003UY117 UCAC4 564-006835 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative TNO LuckyStar
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
A Jones (Maidenhead) Did not report poor recording ?
Oct 23 2242 (289219) 2004 XU40 UCAC4 657-017499 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Oct 25 2100 (4747) Jujo UCAC4 478-003613 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative Single frame event?
Oct 25 2234 (1158) Luda UCAC4 674_039277 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 25 2306 (146472) 2001 RO79 TYC 1856_01573_1 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 25 2342 (1825) Klare TYC 1209_00585_1 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 26 0002 (7046) Reshetnev UCAC4 619_018571 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 26 0031 (47888) 2000 FC46 UCAC4 536_009783 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 26 1748 (37001) 2000 TL29 UCAC4 446-116231 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Oct 26 2311 (326778) 2003 SF223 UCAC4 634_023240 A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 27 0017 (5065) Johnstone UCAC4 610-031136 J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
A Pratt (Leeds) Negative
Oct 28 0157 (3786) Yamada UCAC4 480_046995 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative ? Difficult conditions
Oct 29 0136 (313) Chaldaea UCAC4 485-028891 S Kidd (Stevenage) 8.0  s IOTA feed
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS  through thin cloud
M Jennings (Sanderstead) MISS cloud interuptions
Oct 29 0146 (1906) Naef UCAC4 615-026871 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Nov 02 2136 (14424)  Laval UCAC4 679-048946 J Talbot (Abingdon) 0.64 s  exposure 0.32s
S Kidd (Stevenage) MISS
Nov 02 2158 (556) Phyllis UCAC4 586-031740 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
J Talbot (Abingdon) Negative
Nov 03 0009 (248945) 2006 WH146 UCAC4 492-147577 T Haymes (Steeple Aston) Negative
Nov 03 1740 (20411) 1998 QJ69 UCAC4 433-114219 S Kidd (Stevenage) Negative
Nov 04 0037 (971) Alsatia UCAC4 557-034202 S Kidd (Stevenage) 7.3  s dM 0.2,  0.6 predicted
P Tickner (Reading) 11.2  s dM 0.2,  0.6 predicted
J Talbot (Abingdon) MISS IBEROC feed
T Haymes (Steeple Aston) MISS